
Digitalization and artificial intelligence are offering SMEs more and more opportunities to automate processes and workflows. Automation is a key element in organizing companies efficiently and thus making them fit for the future.

Through automation, tasks are transferred from employees to machines or systems. These carry out automated processes to achieve the task objectives without employees having to intervene.

The advantages of automation are obvious: significant efficiency gains, largely error-free operation, adherence to regulatory compliance and scalability are adequate responses to the ever-increasing competitive pressure and the shortage of skilled workers. The implementation of automation steps in medium-sized companies takes place in administration, manufacturing and production as well as in logistics, as there are many opportunities here to achieve the desired objectives.

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The world of work, with all its demands and tasks for each individual, is changing at breakneck speed. The advent of new technologies such as AI-based tools requires HR employees to have a wide range of new skills. Technical and digital skills play an important role in successfully shaping the HR management of the future. In an increasingly networked and digital world, the ability to deal with technologies and innovations is essential. This includes certain basic digital skills and, depending on the position, role and sector in HR work, also more in-depth specialist knowledge, for example in dealing with AI or managing large amounts of data. HR analytics will also continue to gain in importance, but certain “classic” skills in creativity, agility or problem-solving skills will also be increasingly in demand.

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Introducing digital technology into your own company is anything but trivial and poses a challenge for many companies. The introduction of an ERP system, i.e. a software solution for enterprise resource planning, requires a lot of preparatory work before the actual digitalisation of processes and workflows can begin.

But first: why an ERP system? An ERP system bundles real-time data from all departments in one system and thus provides a comprehensive overview. This makes it much easier to plan, control and monitor relevant business processes in a focussed manner. Trends and patterns in these processes and among stakeholders are recognised and potential problems are visualised at an early stage. This up-to-the-minute transparency across all areas of the company enables company managers to make the right decisions at the right time on the basis of solid data.

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Since 2024 at the latest, the topic of sustainability has been at the top of the agenda for many companies. The Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD) takes sustainability reporting to the next level and brings a significant expansion for companies. Since January 1, 2024, companies that are already subject to the Non-Financial Reporting Directive are required to report. In the next stage, CSRD will also apply to large corporations, and subsequently also to small and medium-sized enterprises with a capital market orientation.

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Stable employee retention is a top issue at management level today and a decisive factor for corporate success. For many companies, the issue is exerting enormous pressure in view of the increasing shortage of skilled labour and rising staff turnover. If employees resign or have already quietly resigned and are only doing the bare minimum of their daily workload, this costs the company money. According to the Netigate study on employee engagement from 2023, the intention to resign has increased and one in four people are considering quitting in the current year. How can a company counteract this trend and retain its employees in the long term?

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In order for a company and its organization to be future-proof and marketable and to be able to constantly question, develop and change accordingly, it needs, among other things, a lively learning culture. Nowadays, with all the fast-moving changes and requirements, organizations and their employees should continuously learn and tap into their knowledge. The focus of change is therefore shifting more towards the employee, and with it the continuous learning of the individual and the development of knowledge and skills. Can the company’s current knowledge and learning tools provide employees with the necessary resources and opportunities for continuous learning and knowledge reference? Or do other formats, tools and methods need to be used and practiced?

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It’s the combination that makes the difference! Different skills, practical experience and solid expertise are the basis for our business. As diverse as our team is, our common basis is our affinity for medium-sized businesses and for the people who shape them.

Eugen Feth – Senior Consultant Digitalization

Change not Keep – Digital Transformation is today

Read more GmbH from Heidelberg and THE MAK’ED TEAM GmbH & Co. KG, with locations in Nuremberg and Karlsruhe, have agreed to cooperate. With this step, both companies are extending their value chain in all relevant questions of digitalisation and digital transformation in medium-sized companies. The synergy of management and process consulting on the side of THE MAK’ED TEAM and innovative technology on the side of INCTEC, as is called, leads to tailor-made concepts for the requirements of our two client companies. These can be realised with future-proof technology in almost all functional areas of medium-sized companies.

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Companies that exploit the full potential of digitalisation can increase their efficiency and optimise their processes. So far – so good! But: Where is digitalisation potential in the company? When we work with SMEs on their digital transformation, the first step is to analyse the processes. This usually gives us specific process patterns: Are there processes that have a media break? For example, is an automated process interrupted because manual intervention is necessary? Are there particularly complicated processes that need a lot of accompanying attention or that have not yet been digitalised because of their complexity? Are there processes in the company that take a particularly long time to process? Are there processes in which errors frequently occur and which therefore require repeated interventions? Or are there processes that cause high process costs?

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A frequent experience in our customer projects is that our medium-sized customers react to the topic of compliance with the critical question: “And who is going to do that? Of course, a medium-sized company does not have the same resources as a group of companies, where a compliance department with several members deals with the topic. Nevertheless, the same legal framework conditions apply to SMEs and group companies.

Multiple crises, international interdependencies, challenging political developments. The risks for companies tend to increase.  The business world is increasingly difficult to assess, more dynamic and more complex. Compliance has become an important basis for SMEs to safeguard the company, protect it from potential risks and thus create a foundation for the long-term success of the company. Good compliance can protect the company in the best possible way and indicate emerging crises and problems at an early stage. For effective implementation of compliance management, it is particularly important in medium-sized companies to use resources wisely and to sensitise everyone in the company to the issue. All too often, compliance is still perceived as a secondary task and the risks that actually exist are massively underestimated.

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