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Succession Planning

Everything is succession – from the foundation of your company to the handover to the next generation!

560,000 companies in Germany are planning a company succession by the end of 2026. (cf. KfW Research) As entrepreneurs, managing directors and shareholders, you are concerned with the issue of succession planning. This topic is an essential part of company management. And it is certainly one of the most difficult tasks for you, your company and your family.

In medium-sized companies, age-related succession is the central issue. A handover process takes a lot of time. And this process is complex and psychology plays one of the main roles. General experience shows that succession planning is underestimated by very many entrepreneurs and companies and is addressed too late, which can result in considerable losses of assets for the owners and shareholders.

The successful transfer of your company is particularly dependent on dealing with all key issues at an early stage. This means that succession planning is ultimately an essential part of corporate strategy and responsible corporate management. Succession planning not only includes age-related changes in responsibility, but also changes in responsibility due to emergencies.

THE MAK’ED TEAM accompanies you in…

  • … your individual succession strategy,
  • … the structuring and preparation of your succession,
  • … the implementation of the succession,
  • … succession within the family,
  • … succession outside the family with external management or sale of your company.

First of all, we analyse with you the points that are important to you for the succession in your company. We also analyse your company in order to develop objective alternative courses of action. From this, we develop possible solutions for you and your company. Based on your decisions, we work with you to expand the strategic objectives of your company to include the aspects of company succession and eliminate conflicting objectives.

We translate the strategic objectives defined with you into a roadmap with actionable instructions and milestones for further decisions. We implement the guidelines with you and your team to realise your successful company succession.

Link zu: The Challenge of Company Succession: Successful Generational Change in SMEs
The Challenge of Company Succession: Successful Generational Change in SMEs

The Challenge of Company Succession: Successful Generational Change in SMEs

According to a recent study by KfW Research, around 560,000 companies will be facing management and ownership succession by the end of 2026. However, a third of these companies are planning to leave the market without a successor. And this high figure is not surprising. Succession has become a major challenge in many medium-sized companies.

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