
Competence management is important in a company to ensure that employee resources are used optimally. Through competence management, the skills and competences of employees can be developed and used in a focused way. Competence management is a demanding task. How does the company know what competencies a person has outside their field of work? And how can these competences be used professionally?

In order to solve these and many other challenges in competence management without spending a lot of time and personnel, the use of skill management tools can be a useful method: The right tools ensure that skills management can be implemented efficiently. Digital tools can be used for every step along the employee life cycle and significantly improve the results. The tools start at different points along the employee’s career path. Which tool or mix of tools a company needs depends entirely on individual needs. All-in-one solutions are often very powerful for SMEs. The key question in the selection process is: What requirements should be met by the competence management system?

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Companies that want to acquire customers in a business-to-business (B2B) context in order to build new business relationships rely on the right mix between push and pull marketing. The goal of B2B customer acquisition is to identify potential business customers, address them and win them as customers. For the development and implementation of a sustainable marketing and sales strategy, the individual points of contact with the customers are systematically analysed, evaluated and optimised.
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Public funding supports small and medium-sized enterprises in their development. But which funding programmes are suitable for your own company? And how can the right funding be identified, or several funding programmes be combined? Entrepreneurs who deal with this topic quickly realise that getting an overview and making the right choice for their own company is a task that cannot be accomplished in passing. Finding one’s way through the funding jungle is not always easy.

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Planning, controlling, monitoring – ERP systems are becoming increasingly important in the course of digitalisation in medium-sized companies. ERP solutions are at the heart of the digital transformation in the company and have an impact on all business processes. At the same time, ERP transformation projects present companies with numerous challenges.

ERP – what does that even mean? Behind the acronym is “Enterprise Resource Planning”, which can be translated as “operational resource planning”. ERP stands for software that is used in companies to digitalise all relevant business processes from A to Z and thus to manage and control the multitude of business transactions. Be it in logistics, sales or purchasing. Here, the right preselection, the professional system check and the correct configuration are decisive for the success and profitability of the ERP systems.

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E-commerce, customer relationship management, data analysis, chatbots: even today, sales without technology is unthinkable and digital developments are advancing in leaps and bounds. If sales is digitalised, routine activities are automated, processes are made more efficient and adapted to customer needs.  This can significantly improve the entire sales process from planning to execution and control. The new technologies can also support sales at all levels in finding, winning and retaining customers and ultimately increase turnover. Digitisation of sales offers great opportunities for medium-sized companies. Read more

In recent years, rating portals have become increasingly important for a company’s image – especially as an employer. How employees, former employees and applicants have rated a company as an employer has become an indispensable source of information for potential applicants. The ratings can be submitted anonymously and free of charge and can be accessed worldwide and permanently. Rating portals thus create enormous market transparency and have a considerable influence on whether and how a company is perceived as an attractive employer. The ratings of one’s own company on the various online platforms have a strong signal effect in the environment of potential applicants and customers. Read more

Bianca Selzer is a consultant at THE MAK`ED TEAM. With her focus on HR management, corporate learning and organisational development, she supports both smaller and larger medium-sized companies in their transformation processes. What are her experiences as a woman in the male-dominated consulting industry? Does she perceive inequalities and does she have a vision for the future of the role of women in consulting?

In an interview with, she talks about her personal professional experiences as a woman in the consulting industry and provides exciting insights.

Click here for the interview … “In meinen Augen ist die Branche (noch) nicht sehr divers” |


From Florida to Germany to THE MAK`ED TEAM, from there to the Côte D`Ivoir – and back to Florida: this was the varied itinerary of our consultant Jennifer Augustin in April 2023. Our Africa expert travelled to the Ivory Coast for THE MAK`ED TEAM in order to further expand our local network. The Republic of Côte D’Ivoir is economically extremely attractive and an interesting location for medium-sized companies: It provides access to a region with 110 million people and has around 29 million inhabitants itself. With annual economic growth of 8% since 2012, it is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. And many other African countries, especially in West Africa, are also experiencing economic upswings. That is why we are convinced that internationally active medium-sized companies should take a closer look at the continent. There is a lot to be said for it: Africa is young, has many valuable raw materials and offers SMEs a wide range of opportunities. Let’s take a closer look at the economic strengths of the Ivory Coast:  

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Handing over one’s own business is a challenging topic. Many entrepreneurs find succession difficult. Even if, like one of our clients, they deal with it at an early stage: Frank S., a medium-sized entrepreneur in his early sixties, had started to deal with the issue of succession in his mid-50s. So, he was well on time. It was clear early on that his only son would not take over the company. So how to proceed? Sell the company? In order to get this complex decision right, Frank S. called in an expert.

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Finding staff, retaining staff: What used to be an everyday routine is now a supreme discipline in management and HR departments. More than ever, staff retention is an important key to corporate success. And in the highly competitive labour market, it is a real challenge, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. Attractive and transparent development paths play a key role in employee retention.

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