Category: Corporate & Business Development

What should your company look like in the future and how do you ensure its competitiveness? With active corporate development, you systematically address these questions about the future.

COMPLIANCE - Die Whistleblower-Richtlinie umsetzen

The implementation of the EU Whistleblower Directive is on the agenda of many small and medium-sized companies. Managing directors and compliance officers immediately think of lawyers and software, but it takes a lot more to implement the guideline not only in a legally secure way, but also in a motivating and profitable way.

Our expert Karin Scherer puts it in a nutshell: “Many managing directors would like to receive information from the staff when the company is damaged, whether negligently or intentionally, internally by employees or by external persons. Our experiences range from reaching into the till, theft of goods to sexual harassment at the workplace. All incidents in which those in the know or affected did not know how to act, looked a way as a precaution – and in which the management would have liked to have been informed at an early stage, to protect the employees affected and the company.”

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The new year 2021 is already a few days old and it has begun as the old year 2020 ended: challenging, exciting and full of work!

This applies not only to the projects with our customers, who unfortunately have a lot to do with the current Corona situation, but by far not only.
It is also challenging, exciting and hard-working for our own company – because as an entrepreneur we deal with the same issues and challenges as our customers.

THE MAK’ED TEAM continues to grow and so we moved into new premises in Nuremberg and expanded our premises in Karlsruhe to create space for our new and future colleagues. At both locations, we have work, meeting, creative, retreat, discussion and reflection places where we can work on our customer projects as well as on our own topics, when we are not acting from the home office..

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Everyone is talking about companies having to develop the skills of their employees for the future. This also means the development of digital competences. But what is behind it? Digital competencies can look differently in every company – depending on the industry and the use of systems. For all of them, however, it is true that on the one hand, cross-occupational digital competences are involved and, on the other hand, occupation-specific digital competences.

The cross-occupational ones are composed as follows:

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Sustainability is used more and more as an effective advertising slogan in marketing by trainers and coaches. We read more and more often: “I work sustainably”; “We anchor our knowledge in your company sustainably “. But you have to check carefully whether the way it is done can actually be sustainable.

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One of our new projects started on September 1! Actually, it is a project that is very close to our hearts. In recent months, we have put a lot of time and effort into the preparation of this project.

But what’s behind it?

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Again and again, one reads that institutions, their managers and employees need to be able to react flexibly to today’s rapidly changing environment in order to remain competitive. And this is actually what flexibility is all about. It’s the ability to move quickly and easily. The better you know yourself, the easier it is to be flexible. For companies, this means that they must be able to react to and deal with unforeseen events quickly –  if this seems necessary or is deliberately wanted.

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In recent months, we have been following a company where we have been impressed by how engaged the company’s CEO is, how he blogged and posted on internal social media every day. Every day you could see where he was going, what topics concerned him, and what was going through his head. In addition, he posted articles from various media channels about the topics of leadership, management, corporate culture, change management, and work – most of these set in the context of his own company. We were enthusiastic!

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Within the last months we had the possibility getting an insight into various enterprises: from start-up companies up to international groups – every size was included. What we have noticed: there are still companies very hierarchically organized. And there it doesn’t play any role whether it is a small start-up company with five employees or an internationally operating one.

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The digitalization is rolling like an avalanche through the industrial countries at the moment. Everything is absorbed and changes the complete environment or society through this. This digitalization, the so-called digital transformation or also revolution, running through our country – for my taste actually much too slow – changes us and our complete culture.

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As a freelance “MAKER”, I travel – just as my colleagues – a lot professionally. While being in different cities, I always like to take time between different business meetings to visit local museums and their exhibitions. As it became usual in my generation, and also in my occupational group, I always have electronic devices with me, among others a small laptop. Digitalization is part of my daily work as well as part of my way of life and passion. Generally, within our society, the so-called digital revolution has made the digital devices part of the life, learning and workspace.

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