The African continent is in a constant economic upswing and digitisation is advancing in leaps and bounds. This can be a real springboard for small and medium-sized enterprises that are thinking about internationalising their business, further developing their international locations and expanding their networks. In our guest article, which appeared in the 1/2023 issue of the BVMW foreign trade magazine “AfrikaContact”, we discuss the various aspects, advantages and opportunities that Africa’s digital transformation offers German SMEs. Be it online trade, supply chain management or the qualification and further training of skilled workers – the conditions for SMEs have improved significantly in recent years and are better today than ever before. We are convinced that now is the right time for many SMEs pursuing internationalisation plans to look into Africa.
THE MAK`ED TEAM is an internationalisation expert and a member of the SME alliance “Africa” of the BVMW. The network for German medium-sized businesses is the largest association of medium-sized businesses in Germany. The aim of the alliance is to combine forces and jointly strengthen SMEs and accompany companies on their path to growth and internationalisation.
Read more in our article starting on p. 23 AfrikaContact_1-2023
More on the topic of internationalisation Internationalization of medium-sized companies
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