Processes, structures, competencies, knowledge – everything in a company is currently in a continuous process of change – everything is put to the test. Influences of digitization and internationalization are fueling these changes to an undreamt-of degree. Change means for each individual employee above all changing oneself.
Just a few years ago, employees waited as a matter of course for their company to develop them further. As an employee, you came to the company with your skills from training, studies or professional experience. Further developments were the responsibility of employers and managers. Over the decades, further development was carried out by watering can: all employees get everything or “too much rather than too little”. Knowledge and competences have been accumulated long before, regardless of whether they were actually needed or not. Problem- and solution-related learning was virtually non-existent. The training was mainly conducted in class, in modern organizations at best by assigned eLearning.
But the requirements of each individual for further development and for learning as a whole have changed: individual, solution-oriented and accessible for employees. Anyone who nowadays as an employee does not take his learning into his own hands and learns continuously depends on himself. The responsibility for further development and continuous learning no longer lies solely with the company and its managers, but above all with each individual employee. Development measures and learning topics are selected or assigned individually for each employee and role on the basis of competencies. “Learning on demand”, the problem- or solution-related learning, is in the foreground.
If an employee has to solve a task and lacks knowledge about it, then he wants to find a solution quickly and easily and the required knowledge about it, no matter when and where! Therefore knowledge must be available virtually everywhere, i. e. accessible via the Internet or mobile phones. Short training courses, often via video or webinar, are the focus. In the case of larger development themes, learning paths over a certain period of time are at the forefront. On this learning path the developer is assigned several online and offline methods (e. g. literature, classroom seminar, webinar, elearning, video). He must work these out. The individual learning units must be short, attractive and motivating.
For a company, a change in the learning culture within the company towards agile learning primarily means establishing the development of employees, knowledge management and continuous learning as an integral part of the corporate culture. The importance can only be transferred to the organization if all management levels including top management, which also lives the agile learning culture, are supported and actively demanded by all stakeholders to find their way there. Only an organization that changes and continuously learns will be a successful organization in the future also. And what applies to an organization naturally applies to each individual employee as well.
THE MAK’ED TEAM for solution development and implementation for challenges in Management & Development & Learning in medium-sized businesses and institutions. THE MAK’ED TEAM works in corporate, organizational, personnel and business development with a strong focus on finance, HR and sales and marketing. Among other things, THE MAK’ED TEAM develops concepts for changing the learning culture in medium-sized companies and accompanies this change from a classical to an agile learning culture. This includes blended learning concepts, learning experience platforms as well as an active design of the learning culture in connection with internal communication and employee engagement.