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Prevention Management

Prevention management is part of your responsible corporate management and involves dealing with all key issues at an early stage.

Legal experts and pension specialists repeatedly point this out: Family members or parents may not automatically decide or act fully and permanently on behalf of a person of legal age, i.e. not even on behalf of an entrepreneur, in the event of a pension or emergency. The same applies to spouses and registered partners.

If an entrepreneur is unable to act on their own behalf, the statutory regulations apply.

The only way to ensure that a third party can act and make decisions in accordance with the entrepreneur’s wishes is with a legally compliant healthcare proxy and an entrepreneurial proxy.

Advance care management works in two directions. On the one hand, the entrepreneur determines who is to represent them and how decisions are to be made. Secondly, it creates the conditions for clear rules to be in place should the worst come to the worst. This relieves the family and relatives in what are usually emotionally stressful life situations.

We work in a professional network for the legally compliant implementation of pension management.

Link zu: Prevention Management – Let your will be done!
Prevention Management – Let your will be done!

Prevention Management – Let your will be done!

Whether you are an entrepreneur or not – the topic of pension provision affects us all. What happens if we are unable to act ourselves – if we are unable to work due to a sudden illness or an accident forces us to stay in hospital for a longer period of time and we are […]

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