Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is understood as the responsibility of every entrepreneur to align his or her own actions in such a way that the consequences are favourable for the interests and opportunities of future generations.
CSR is understood as a management system that enables companies to systematically build up sustainability as well as reporting.
The mindset of Corporate Social Responsibility does not only refer to the economic aspects, but also considers social and ecological aspects of the company. CSR measures are geared to the company’s sphere of influence, to its ecosystem, and thus to the future. They go beyond the legal obligations, and thus lie within the ethical moral responsibility of the company.
At the same time, CSR also means many opportunities for SMEs. Competitive advantages can be achieved. Innovation potential can be further exploited and new business areas can be developed. CSR measures also have a positive effect internally: the company becomes more attractive for employees, customers and suppliers.
The family-run German SME sector has practice in thinking and acting sustainably. This is clearly illustrated, for example, by the normative guiding principle of the “honorable merchant” – an orientation framework for sustainable economic success that has existed since the Middle Ages.
In der heutigen Zeit wird auf Nachhaltigkeit ein neuer Fokus gelegt und erreicht dadurch ein verstärktes Bewusstsein. Die Kommunikation dieser Werte und der CSR-Aktivitäten muss jedoch ausgebaut werden. Oft sind die Unternehmen aktiv, kommunizieren es jedoch nicht gegenüber ihrem Ökosystem. Hilfreich ist die Integration von CSR ins Unternehmensleitbild, denn somit gibt es klare Statements, wie Nachhaltigkeit in diesem Unternehmen gelebt wird.
On the side of investors and on the financial markets, people know the impact correlations and assign rankings for companies according to the criteria of ESG – Environment – Social – Governance.
The modes of action of these correlations unfold through a systematic approach.
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We see ourselves as MAKERS, partners and project managers for our clients with the aim of pushing their future viability. With our high level of practical knowledge and our many years of international experience, we work worldwide.